
The Art of Cheyenne Wright

I Guess I Have A Weakness For Dangerous Women

On Monday, January 3rd, My Wife Eli Danger had an appointment with her baby doctors. It was supposed to be a routine check up but instead the doctors decided that today was "the day".

Then they all put on sunglasses and said "Let's Do This" as they walked away slowly while things blew up around them. It was really cool looking.

Well some of that happened

Mostly the part where the doctors decided to induce labor. They had been monitoring the baby's heart rate, and normally when a baby moves, it's heart rate jumps. on this day, it wasn't. The doctors took this a sign to get rolling.

I was still home working when Eli called with the news so I raced down to the hospital and began the waiting game.

Eli's girl parts however gave no sign that they were informed of these decisions. Even after some hardcore medications had been administered. Eventually after almost 36 hours of false labor, and two close calls where the baby's heart rate dropped dangerously low, The doctors informed us that we really needed to think about the other options.

So at 11pm on Jan 4th we prepared ourselves to bring this baby into the world in the "Manner of Caesar"

I put on scrubs they gave me, and tried to calm myself with a special playlist of music Eli and I had built for the birthing room. If you Know me, you know that music is a big thing for me. If I have my way I'd do everything to a soundtrack. This is the true and actual soundtrack to the birth of my daughter.


Maybe not the best music to 'calm' me but it sure put a dramatic flair to my pacing in the halls till they came to get me...


The nurse came to get me around the time this track started... the prologue ending just as the doors to the operating room opened. I think this song was the only thing keeping me upright.


At this point I was sitting with Eli, a curtain separating her and I from the more gory aspects of was was about to happen. I held her hand and talked to her. the music in one ear, my eyes locked with hers. I told her I loved her, and this was all going to be ok.


The cutting began. Eli said that she couldn't feel anything, just the sensation that she was floating. I told here "Well you're still here. And I'm going to hold on to you as tight as I can."


It was at about the 2:19 mark in track 5 that I heard the first gurgle of a voice that had not previously been in the room. I look at Eli, "Did you hear that?" - "No" she said. Then there was a second uncertain whimper, then a clear and sharp cry before the next track started.


The first time I ever saw my daughter, this song was playing in my ear. They proceeded to do a quick clean, count the toes, and then asked me if I wanted to trim the last bit of the cord. "NO" I said. I didn't think I could stand up. They laughed and did it for me.

As they wheeled Eli back to her room, they bundled my baby girl and put her into my uncertain arms, just as this started...


It was the longest walk of my life, my first with Maxine Danger Wright

Total Running Time 27.9 Minutes