
The Art of Cheyenne Wright

Steamcon and Superheroes

It's way past time that I post some update about what's been going on here at the art cave. First off I got an amazing gift from Jake Von Slatt, the master steamsmith of the Steampunk Workshop. I met Jake at Steamcon 2009. He was finishing off a panel on his cool builds and we (the Girl Genius crew) were moving in to set up for our traditional Girl Genius Radio Theatre show. And while Phil was sorting through scripts, Jake and I got to talking about my long and sorrowful search for a 'Girl Genius' Microphone.

Jake later contacted me to say that he had picked up a desire to build me that microphone - and this year at Steamcon, he presented me this sexy beast...

My new VonSlatt Microphone

As I carried it from the art room to our dealers table I felt all eyes on me. Like I was in possession of a sort of rapturous, carnal, steam-powered totem of WANT! Like I was indy, and around every corner another Belloc awaited me.

Next up I'd like to show off my latest creation - The Adventure Society membership badge

The Adventure Society is my take on a 1800's superhero squad from what I'd like to call the "Gilded Age of Comics". I'll be posting characters soon but badges - those you can get now.