Work in Process: Angry Mob
I'm treating this one with a technique I learned in my oil paining classes. Starting with a very dark canvas I gradually lighten the image to create form and shape.
here is the original line work
and what I hope to be the final piece (just have to run it past the Art Director)
Ronan Lynch - Color
This started out as a *very* rough pencil sketch. I scanned it in and set about redrawing over it in Adobe Illustrator.
After getting the line-work to a happy place in Illustrator I was able to take that over to Photoshop and paint this sucker in 4 hours.
Ronan Lynch! and others...
Ronan Lynch for the Adventure Deck card "Let's Settle This"
Podcast Logo
Just finished a logo for a podcast that should be going live tomorrow
New Adventure Deck Art
Here are some pieces I'm working on for a new Savage Worlds adventure deck.